Invitation to Honour the Fallan at Normandy

Dear Residents of Spalding and South Holland

It is with great pride and reverence that we acknowledge the unwavering support of our community towards our veterans and military events throughout the year.  Your presence and participation in commemorating the fallen on significant dates such as VE Day, VJ Day, Armed Forces Day, and Armistice Day have demonstrated your deep respect and gratitude for those who have served our nation.

For many years, these solemn occasions have been observed in the serene surroundings of our beautiful Ayscoughfee Gardens in Spalding, in the presence of the two World War cenotaphs, as symbols of remembrance and honour.

As we approach the 80th anniversary of the Normandy D-Day landings on the 6th June 2024, a date etched indelibly in history, we are called upon once again to pay homage to the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice on those fateful beaches.

The Royal Naval Association, Spalding branch, under the leadership of our esteemed Chairman, Keith Crawford MBE, will be leading a service of commemoration to honour the fallen at Normandy and mark this significant milestone.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to all members of our community to join us for this special occasion.  We will be mustering outside Ayscoughfee Café at 10.45am on the 6th June 2024.  Your presence would be a profound tribute to the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for our freedom.

Thank you for your continued support and unwavering dedication to honouring our veterans and preserving the memory of their valiant deeds.

With sincere gratitude

Rodney Grocock
Royal Naval Association
Spalding Branch