Exciting News: Watch the Animation of Me Chatting with Cyril and Jake Crow!

I’m delighted to introduce the latest addition to The Order of the Poop journey – an animated video featuring me, the author, having a fun conversation with Cyril and Jake Crow in Pinchbeck Woods!

In this animation, I break the news to Cyril and Jake that I’ve written a book all about their mischievous adventures, which kicked off when Farmer Brown decided to buy a shotgun. What follows is a hilarious tale of clever crows, daring escapades, and, of course, a lot of unexpected pooping!

This video brings the characters to life in a delightful way, and I can’t wait for you to watch it. Whether you’re familiar with The Order of the Poop or new to the antics of Cyril and Jake, this animation will give you a sneak peek into the world of these cheeky crows and their family.

Please visit my website to check out the animation, and get ready for a fun-filled adventure in Pinchbeck Woods!

BTW – you can buy The Order of the Poop by visiting Amazon UK.

Best wishes
Rodney Grocock, Author
The Order of the Poop